This set of pages will be populated when the first cohort of Leverhulme KOM scholars are in place: the programme’s intention is that they should learn useful transferable skills by developing this website. For now, here is a short list of relevant resources:
- at King’s, there are two centres which run relevant events: the Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies (CLAMS) and the Centre for Early Modern STudies (CEMS)
- also significant for our programme is the King’s Digital Lab
- in Canterbury, MEMS runs a regular series of seminars: you can find out about these from the MEMS News site
- MEMS also hosts a student-curated digital library of resources for medieval and early modern studies called MEMSLib
Only slightly further afield, you may be interested in these activities:
- Palaeography.uk – this site includes information about the Annual Coffin Lecture in Palaeography
- The London Institute of English Studies Medieval Manuscripts Seminar (convened by Prof. Julia Crick and Dr David Rundle)
- London International Palaeography School – runs annually in central London in early June
You may also want to know more about our funders, the Leverhulme Trust. Their website provides a history of the charity as well as a listing of the range of grants they provide.